Organized alongside the series TERMINAL, Bodies of Knowledge was a two-part screening that mediated on the “user” side of technological relationships by bringing together three different considerations of the physical and psychological conditions of bodily endurance.
Nov 9, 2016
Emily Wardill
When you fall into a trance (2013)
72 min.
When you fall into a trance is part of a series of films by Wardill that share a common interest in the complexities of communication and representation, the limitations and imprecision of language, and the individual nature of imagination.
Nov 16, 2016
Liz Magic Laser
Kiss and Cry (2015)
13 min. 30 sec.
Kiss and Cry features figure skaters Anna MacKenzie and Axel MacKenzie and coach Marie Jonsson MacKenzie. The work is an exploration of the childrens’ virtuosity in sport, coupled with a psychological inquiry into the forming of opinion and identity as it is wrapped up in the mechanisms of personal performance. Commissioned and produced by Mercer Union, Toronto with support from Partners in Act.
Scott Rogers
40 min.
ALPTRUTH examines the intricacies and intimacies of backcountry skiing. Dealing with the relationship between risk management, heuristics, marketing, and outdoor adventure, the video documents an ill-fated solo ski trip which Rogers undertook in January 2013. The footage from this journey forms the basis of an alternative ski movie, focusing on the viscerally slow pace, layers of personal history, and existential decision-making connected to the sport rather than its “extreme” popularisation.
Curated by Allison Collins.