Western Front’s
35th Anniversary Gala and Art Auction: The Life Aquatic included a recreation of the legendary
Lure of the Sea Bar, screenings of archival
HP Radio Show recordings, and the reassembling of The New York Corres Sponge Dance School—the notorious Western Front synchronized swim team—for just one night.
The evening featured a dinner provided by Pan-o-Pan catering; performances by local musicians Jen Rose, Ben Wilson, Andreas Kahre, and David King; and a live auction of works donated by over thirty artists. Proceeds from the auction supported Western Front’s year-round art and music and programs.
The auction featured works by Abbas Akhavan, Kim Kennedy Austin, Eli Boronowski, Derek Brunen, Paul Chan, Lincoln Clarkes, Christos Dikeakos, Jamie Dolinko, Heri Dono, Christine D’Onofrio, Angus Ferguson, Alex Grewal, Jack Jeffry, Vishal Jugdeo, Silvia Kolbowski, Tim Lee, The Lions, Paul Mathieu, Alex Morrison, Ujino Muneteru, Anthoni Muntadas, Bernadette Phan, Laura Piasta, Manuel Piña, Philippe Raphanel, Kevin Schmidt, Althea Thauberger, Vincent Trasov, Sarah Turner, Jeff Tutt, Holly Ward, James Whitman, and Jin-me Yoon.
A preview of the auction took place in the Grand Luxe Hall on March 5, 2008.