Broadcasts from Here

Jan 22 — Apr 16, 2022



Broadcasts from Here was an exhibition that presented work by multidisciplinary artists Lex Brown and Geo Wyex, who each respectively engage with broadcast mediums in their practices. The exhibition explored “broadcasting” as less a technical question of sending transmissions than a way of being in the world: a broadcaster subjectivity, which is always in one space performing for another. Following this line of inquiry, the exhibition questioned what forms, poetics, and idioms are available to think through such a multiply-emplaced subject. 

In Wyex’s work, local histories, speculative narratives, and black hole stories intertwine in poetic performances and sound works. Muck Studies Dept. (2017–) is a fictive municipal agency whose protagonist gets in touch with what stinks beneath the surface. The project merges inherited Black Atlantic funk and folk poetics with techniques of investigative journalism, and connects mud, water, metal, gas, ass, rocks, coins, extractive industry, deep coloniality, and sensual expression of belonging. For Broadcasts from Here, Wyex staged a site-specific iteration of the project. Creating work out of the gallery itself, Wyex revealed hidden crawl spaces beneath Western Front by cutting two holes in the floorboards in the foyer and gallery. Covered by grates, these storm drain-sized holes contained debris, speakers emitting Wyex’s audio works No Stars Found Waving Signs at Muck Studies Dept. (2021–22) and Not a Dime at Muck Studies Dept. w/ Wilma Subra (2021), and colour changing LEDs that illuminated the dirt floor of Western Front’s basement and the gallery walls. Signals from an FM transmitter in the basement were broadcasted through portable radios positioned in the gallery and foyer. Situated on a wooden chair, on the window ledge, on top of the mailbox, and dangling from the door handle, these radios brought Wyex’s voice into these spaces from an elsewhere that was made fully present. 

In her thirty-minute video Communication (2021), Brown assumes multiple characters as parodic renderings of a fictional media conglomerate, Omnesia, and its next residential target for development, New Greater Framingham. The story begins in darkness, where unnamed characters watch a presentation at the planetarium about what happened to the stars—specifically, the people on Earth. Aspen Van Der Baas (a gen-something girlboss), Jordie (her tech bro analyst), and Sylvie (an impassive and sentient AI) use their extensive technological powers to displace the consumer-citizens of New Greater Framingham. Finding their strategies insufficient, they enlist the help of B. Marbels, a fast-talking, ambivalent film director who is tasked with creating plot holes, further confusing the minds of New Greater Framingham. To Omnesia’s chagrin, one such consumer-citizen, Marie, discovers the power of her inner voice to interfere with the algorithmic forces of Omnesia. These characters, the argots that they speak, and the scenarios they play out are reminiscent of the speculative fictions of the present, but Brown’s video also questions the way that speculation (as capital) and fiction (as a constructed narrative) work. Collapsing the space of stage performance, the language of cinematic narrative, and the logic of video art, Communication suggests the many ways that we are drawn, cajoled, and coerced into “the future,” at the expense of what—and who—exists here and now. 

Communication by Brown screened hourly, on the hour. Wyex’s audio works, No Stars Found Waving Signs at Muck Studies Dept. (2021-22) and Not a Dime at Muck Studies Dept. w/ Wilma Subra (2021), were broadcast alternately on the half-hour. The exhibition also featured a performance by Wyex during the opening reception, an artist talk from Brown, and an online talk from Bobbi Kozinuk. 

Curated by Susan Gibb and Becket MWN.

Rays of sunlight enter the Western Front foyer, spreading warmth across the white walls, wooden doors, and hardwood flooring. Red light glows underneath a grate cut into the floor beside the open gallery doors. A small silver radio hangs from the door handle of the main gallery door with its antenna fully extended.
Multicoloured light emits from beneath a grate cut into wooden floorboards and reflects onto the walls of a dark gallery space. White light peaks through high, partially covered windows on the gallery wall. Diffused purple light and a red EXIT sign illuminate a second space in the gallery decorated with three red chairs.
Ground covered by rocks, mud, and glittering dirt is lit by red and green lights. A grime encrusted bucket sits on the dirtied ground framed behind a softly focused metal grate.
Three red chairs face a projection of a person wearing a black wig with blue dip-dyed ends, a pink flower crown, a blue shirt, and a beige jacket. They hold a coffee cup with a tight grin while online pop-up styled images are overlaid on their side. The blue tones of the projection and the red EXIT sign hung above the gallery door blend together to light the space in purple hue.
An image is projected against a wall in a darkened room between mounted speakers. The image depicts a person with steepled hands in formal attire wearing a pink flower crown. Translucent images and text are overlaid in front and behind the person, with partially obstructed text reading potlight ON: ESIDE TIAL ation:.
An image is projected against a wall in a darkened room between mounted speakers. The image depicts a person pressing their hand flat against their cheek while bending sideways in front of shadowed windows framing a pink and orange gradient. The warmth of the image seeps out into the room, tinting the walls and wooden flooring.

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Western Front is a non-profit artist-run centre in Vancouver.

We acknowledge the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and səl̓ílwətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations as traditional owners of the land upon which Western Front stands.